News Details


Investing in new technologies to create jobs and improve productivity in New Brunswick

From: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

News release

Moncton, New Brunswick · Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

A key part of Canada’s economic recovery is supporting businesses as they adapt, grow and move forward from the COVID-19 pandemic. Small and medium-sized businesses and the organizations that support them represent the backbone of regional economies. They generate quality local jobs and are a source of pride for their communities. To do so, businesses and entrepreneurs need a strong foundation, built on technological innovation, inclusivity, and clean growth to create the workforce of the future.

Today, the Honourable Daniel Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, along with Dene National Chief Gerald Antoine, announced support for Dene communities through a new pilot project that will advance community-led housing solutions.

Federal investments support business growth

Today, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA, announced a total investment of $1,073,375 through the Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) for five projects in New Brunswick that are expected to create up to 71 new jobs.

For the full list of projects, please see backgrounder.

Launched in July 2021, the Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) provides $700 million over three years to Canada’s regional development agencies to support a regional response and stimulate economic recovery following the COVID-19 crisis by investing in projects that will help to create jobs. Through the JGF, the Government of Canada aims to support the transition to a green economy, foster an inclusive recovery, enhance competitiveness, and create jobs in every corner of the country.


The vitality of our business communities across Atlantic Canada is key to our economic recovery. We’ll continue to invest in our local businesses and the organizations that support them to create good jobs, support inclusive and clean growth opportunities, and build resiliency for years to come.

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA

Quick facts

  1. In Atlantic Canada, ACOA is delivering $70 million of the $700-million national Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) to eligible businesses, non-profit organizations, community economic development partners, and Indigenous-led organizations and businesses, with projects that: 

    o   support the transition to a green economy

    o   foster an inclusive recovery

    o   preserve Canada’s competitiveness and future-proof businesses through digital adoption

    o   strengthen capacity in sectors critical to Canada’s recovery and growth

  2. For more information on the application process, eligibility criteria and eligible expenses, or to apply for the JGF, reach out to your regional development agency.

  3. Canada’s regional development agencies are continuing to deliver targeted support for economic recovery in the region. Application intake is open through ACOA for the Canada Community Revitalization Fund, Jobs and Growth Fund, Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative and Tourism Relief Fund.

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